Paula's mad Adventures
Discover Paula's Mad Adventures
I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures fundraising and just for fun!
Last year during May and June 2022 we walked the whole beautiful SW coastal path, 630 official miles raising money for Alzheimer's.
In October 2022 we took part in Karen's Klassathon, 22 classes in 3days for Alzheimer's Society.
Sadly mum's tortuous Alzheimer's journey came to an end, just as we were
offered a last minute place on the London Marathon 2023. So Paris became our warm up!
Please support me running the Paris Marathon on 2nd April 2023 London Marathon on 23rd April 2023
raising money for Alzheimer’s society
Our appetite for adventure thoroughly kindled we are now off on the trip of our lives to South America
Follow our adventures in our bog & Instagram here or on Instagram @paulas.mad.adventures
Where have we been?
I started paulas.mad.adventures with the goal of letting you know how our adventure for dementia is going.
Read on and enjoy!