A very different day. Skirting the coast at sea level, picking our footing through the dewy, somewhat muddy path we passed through disused Dean Quarry. Detouring inland through farmland, we avoided the coastal working quarries to arrive at the mid-point sculpture in Porthallow. Great bench. Obligatory photo taken, threatening skies scuttled us to the cafe, where I successfully eked out my coffee until the deluge ended!
More foundered coast, another detour through muddy broccoli fields led to Gillan creek, where fortunately the tide was still out. Sunshine. Never finding the slippery stepping stones, not wanting another detour, intrepidly we waded across. I did sanction the next headland detour to view distant Falmouth.
More mud; we picked our way through woods along the Helford river to picturesque Helford. Ferry summoned, sign set to yellow, we crossed the busy river to Helford Passage. Hungry we sat in the sun for an early dinner watching the paddle boarders, children swimming and playing; of course they dove off the parked jetty!
Replenished we then walked along the opposite bank of the Helford, thankfully less muddy to Mawnan Church before our last detour to the BnB.
Not a hill climb all day!
Official SW Coast path: 13miles
Official running total: 322miles
If you would like support our walk for Alzheimer’s the two charity just giving pages are
You can also find me on instagram; search for paulas.mad.adventures
Thank you
PS We stayed at Trevarn B&B Mawnan Smith on 30 May; www.trevarn.co.uk